Can the President Be Found Not Guilty in Senate

  • Trump has been acquitted on a charge of "incitement of insurrection".
  • Trump lawyers and House impeachment managers decided to avoid calling witnesses in Donald Trump's impeachment trial later before voting to exercise so, a surprise motion that would have likely prolonged the procedure.

Welcome to Al Jazeera's coverage of the impeachment trial. This is Usaid Siddiqui.

Pelosi opposes censuring Trump: 'It lets everybody off the claw'

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, upset that Trump was not convicted in the Senate, said she does not support the idea of a congressional censure of the one-time president, arguing that would be just a "footling slap on the wrist".

"It lets everybody off the hook," Pelosi told reporters after the vote. "All these cowardly senators who couldn't confront up to what the president did and what was at stake for our country are now going to have a chance to give a little slap on the wrist?"

"We censure people for using stationery for the wrong purpose, we don't censure people for inciting insurrection that kills people in the Capitol," she continued, before leaving the room.

Speaker of the Firm Nancy Pelosi speaks during a news conference with House impeachment managers [Al Drago/Reuters]

Raskin: 'Most bipartisan presidential impeachment' in The states history

Despite failing to convict Trump, lead House impeachment manager Jamie Raskin pointed out that a majority of the Congress agreed that he "incited" the Capitol anarchism.

"This was the nigh bipartisan presidential impeachment event in the history of the state," Raskin said during a news briefing after the vote.

"We have a clear and convincing majority of members of Congress that the president actually incited trigger-happy coup confronting the Union and against the Congress," he said.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says Trump 'responsible' for riot and but says impeachment 'a narrow tool'

McConnell said Trump's actions were wrong, but said the Senate did not have the right to convict him. "President Trump'south deportment preceding the anarchism were a disgraceful dereliction of duty," McConnell said.

"At that place's no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for promoting" the events on January half dozen.

Just McConnell says Trump is "constitutionally not eligible for conviction" because the article of impeachment did non reach the Senate while he was in role and that he is at present a private citizen.

U.s. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell [Al Drago/Reuters]

Trump reacts to Senate impeachment vote

"This has been yet some other phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of our State," Donald Trump said afterwards the US Senate found finding him not guilty of inciting the US Capitol riot.

He said his Make America Great Once again movement "has simply just begun".

Business firm majority leader Chuck Schumer excoriates Republicans who voted against impeachment

Chuck Schumer, addressing the Senate after the impeachment vote, hailed it equally "the largest and most bipartisan vote of whatever impeachment trial in American history". Merely he criticised the 43 Republicans who voted confronting the article of impeachment.

He called the incitement to the riot on January 6: "The virtually despicable act that any president has ever committed – and the bulk of Republicans cannot summon the backbone, or the morality, to condemn it.

"This trial wasn't about choosing country over party, even not that this was about choosing country over Donald Trump and 43 Republican members chose Trump. They chose Trump."

Seven Republicans vote in favour of conviction

Seven Republican senators joined their Democratic colleagues to vote to convict Donald Trump.

Senators Richard Burr, Pat Toomey Lisa Murkowski, Paw Romney, Susan Collins, Bill Cassidy and Ben Sasse all voted "guilty".

Donald Trump acquitted on charge of inciting US Capitol anarchism

Former United states of america President Donald Trump has been acquitted on a charge of "incitement of insurrection" in relation to the January 6 anarchism at the The states Capitol.

Later a v-day impeachment trial in the Us Senate, the vote was largely split forth political party lines.

Read more here.

Voting on impeachment charge nether way

Voting on impeaching quondam Donald Trump standing after the defence and prosecution wrapped up their closing arguments on the 5th 24-hour interval of the trial.

Trump is 'innocent' – lawyer

Trump lawyer Michael van der Veen said was "innocent of the charges confronting him".

"How much truly horrifying footage we see of the conduct of the rioters and how much emotion has been injected into this trial, that does not change the fact that Mr Trump is innocent of the charges confronting him," he said in his closing remarks.

"The act of incitement never happened," van der Veen added.

'Very desperate attempt'

Trump's lawyer in his closing argument accused Business firm Democrats of desperation for using previously unpresented prove in its closing arguments.

"They tried to use bear witness that they had never presented in the case in their endmost arguments. That is a very desperate attempt by a prosecuting squad that knew that their case has collapsed," Michael van der Veen said.

"Their closing did not mention one piece of police … they didn't talk almost the Constitution."

Michael van der Veen, defense lawyer for former President Donald Trump [United states Senate Telly/Handout/Reuters]

Trial 'not borne from hatred': Impeachment managing director Neguse

House Democratic impeachment manager Joe Neguse in his endmost remarks said the trial was "borne from dear of country" and appealed to senators to captive old President Trump.

"This trial is non borne from hatred, far from it. It'due south borne from love of country, our state, our want to maintain it, our desire to see America at its best," he said.

"The stakes could non exist higher," he added.

US House impeachment manager Representative Joe Neguse participates in the impeachment managers' endmost argument during the 5th solar day of the impeachment trial [Senate TV/Handout/Reuters]

'Used authority to incite' – House director

In endmost arguments, Firm impeachment director Madeleine Dean said Donald Trump "used his authority to incite" an attack on the Usa Capitol on January half dozen.

"The president of the United States, Donald J Trump, incited and directed thousands of people to assail the legislative co-operative," she said.

"He knew what his supporters were capable of. He inflamed them, sent them downwardly Pennsylvania Avenue, non on any erstwhile day, but on the day we were certifying the election. He failed to defend the states – because this is what he wanted. He wanted to remain in power."

Firm impeachment manager Representative Madeleine Dean speaks during the second impeachment trial of sometime President Trump in the Senate at the Us Capitol in Washington, February 13, 2022 [Senate Goggle box/AP]

Republicans raise objections to Democrats' closing arguments

Twice during the House Democrats' closing arguments, Republicans complained that the Democrats were improperly introducing new video evidence.

Both points of society raised by Trump's proponents slowed the trial as the Senate parliamentarian sorted through the issues.

It appears at least one of the points of social club was upheld every bit Senator Patrick Leahy, who is presiding over the trial, announced that evidence, subsequently the first complaint was raised, would be "stricken from the record".

'Surprising turn of events'

Former federal prosecutor Melanie Sloan said information technology was a "surprising turn of events" as Democrats decided to avoid calling witnesses, hours later on voting in favour of it.

"It seems though that the largest reason is that because the outcome is preordained, everybody decided not to spend the fourth dimension," she told Al Jazeera.

"I call back on Twitter, for example, and in social media, you're seeing a lot of outcry almost it, specially because since so much of this is not most the conviction … merely showing the American people what happened."

The ripple effects of Herrera Buetler's statement

The source of the trial delay – Republican Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler'south account of a conversation betwixt President Donald Trump and House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy – promises to have ramifications subsequently the trial ends.

In telling the story of the mid-Capitol anarchism telephone call last calendar month to the Longview Daily News, Herrera Beutler said McCarthy told Trump, "you need to phone call these people off," adding that Trump responded, "Kevin, they're non my people."

She said McCarthy then told Trump, "Yep, they are, they just came through my windows and my staff is running for embrace. Yeah, they're your people. Call them off."

Herrera Beutler Friday nighttime urged "the patriots" who were with Trump during this call to come forward and tell their stories.

That asking set off pro-Trump Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who threatened that Trump supporters are taking note of Hererra Beutler's actions.

"Offset voting to impeach innocent President Trump, so yapping to the press and throwing @GOPLeader nether the motorcoach," she tweeted.

"The Trump loyal 75 one thousand thousand are watching." Taylor Greene added.

Firm manager Jamie Raskin cites Trump'south 'dereliction of duty' as primal to incitement charge

In endmost arguments, lead Business firm manager Jamie Raskin repeated the outline of the case they have laid out for US senators – that Donald Trump "urged supporters to come to Washington", "embraced violent extremist elements" that the former president "assembled the mob, incited it, lit the lucifer, sending them off to the Capitol."

Raskin said, "desertion of duty was central to his incitement of insurrection and inextricable from it.

"It's at present clear beyond doubtfulness that Trump supported the actions of the mob and so he must be convicted. It's that simple," he added.

Senate moves to endmost arguments

Later on uncertainty near whether the Senate would call witnesses to testify in Trump's impeachment trial, House managers and Trump lawyers agreed to avoid witnesses altogether.

The prosecution and defence now will have four hours full to make their terminal arguments in the case.

Business firm director reads Herrera Beutler testimony into record

House impeachment director Jamie Raskin read Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler's account on the Senate floor.

Herrera Beutler's account detailed communications with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy – and what Trump reportedly told McCarthy in the middle of the coup on January 6.

In the argument, she said McCarthy had told her well-nigh a call he had with Trump in which the sometime US president said, "Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset near the election than you are."

Deal on witnesses 'very close': WH press pool

Al Jazeera's Alan Fisher, reporting from Capitol Hill, said the White Firm press pool is reporting that Us senators are shut to reaching a bargain on witnesses.

The deal would see Republican Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler's account entered into the congressional record without objection, which means it will go part of the formal proceedings.

But there will be no witnesses called, said Fisher, calculation that if the deal is reached, the vote on impeachment could happen later on on Saturday.

US Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell huddles with fellow senators on the fifth twenty-four hour period of the impeachment trial of onetime President Donald Trump, on Capitol Hill in Washington, US, February thirteen, 2022 [Senate Television/Handout/Reuters]

'Information technology'due south not at all clear where nosotros are'

Melanie Sloan, a former federal prosecutor, said it remains unclear how many witnesses will be called to bear witness in Trump'due south trial.

"Are there going to be depositions? Are in that location going to be witnesses who speak before the Senate? I think it'due south not at all clear where we are," Sloan told Al Jazeera, calculation she believed no more than five witnesses would exist chosen.

She said Republicans' push to phone call Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi every bit a witness "is non something that volition go well" for the political party.

"That undoubtedly will work to the benefit of the House managers' instance. Nancy Pelosi also was calling for help throughout the January 6 insurrection, so it'southward hard to meet how that works in their favour."

Senator Cruz blames 'leftist Twitter' for determination to call witnesses

Republican Senator Ted Cruz said "leftist Twitter" force per unit area was probable what pushed House impeachment managers to ask to phone call witnesses.

"I retrieve what happened was leftist Twitter got really upset last night that they weren't calling witnesses … This is political theater," Cruz told reporters while the Senate is in recess.

"The House Managers were feeling heat on their left flank and they surprised [Senate leader Chuck] Schumer and the Democrats" past their decision, he said.

The states Senator Ted Cruz speaks to members of the media during the fifth day of the impeachment trial of former United states of america President Donald Trump, on charges of inciting the deadly attack on the Usa Capitol, in Washington, US, February thirteen, 2022 [Erin Scott/Reuters]

'Start with Pelosi': Republicans want elevation Democrat to testify

U.s. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said he was in favour of calling "multiple witnesses" in Trump's impeachment trial, including Autonomous Business firm Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

"We can start with Speaker Pelosi to respond the question as to whether or not at that place was apparent evidence of preplanned violence earlier President Trump spoke?" Graham tweeted. "Her testimony is incredibly relevant to the incitement charge."

Republican Senator Ted Cruz also called for Pelosi to prove.

Senate in recess

The Senate has gone into recess until 12:30pm local time (17:30 GMT).

Trump likely to be 'deeply unhappy'

Al Jazeera's Andy Gallacher, reporting from West Palm Beach, Florida, said Trump is likely to be "deeply unhappy" by the Senate vote to hear witnesses in the trial against him.

"It's inverse everything for former President Donald Trump, who I'grand sure was counting on this entire procedure being over today," Gallacher said. "This is a game-changing scenario."

Decision to telephone call witnesses puts House minority leader 'in a difficult spot'

The Senate'southward decision to let witnesses in the trial could modify the outcome, law expert Claire Finkelstein of the University of Pennsylvania told Al Jazeera.

The Senate could call House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, later reports that he "was begging, or angrily urging President Trump to call off the mob", Finkelstein said.

That would place McCarthy "in a difficult spot", she explained, as Trump's defence team has claimed that the alleged conversations between the congressman and the former president never happened.

"Now, that's really an invitation to have witnesses come in and say, either they did happen or they didn't happen and remember that if Kevin McCarthy does testify, he'll have to evidence under oath," Finkelstein explained.

Business firm managers in charge of the prosecution had said Business firm and Senate members warned Trump of the magnitude of the riot's danger every bit it was happening. The defence has denied that.

US Business firm of Representatives Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy [File: Hannah McKay/Reuters]

5 Republicans vote in favour of witnesses

5 Republican senators joined their Democratic colleagues to vote in favour of calling witnesses in the impeachment trial.

Senators Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham and Ben Sasse voted for the measure.

Hopes for a quick impeachment trial dashed

So much for a speedy impeachment trial.

The wishes of members of both parties – and President Joe Biden – for a quick trial are now dashed afterward senators voted to call witnesses to hear more than details about what happened on and in the run-up to the Jan 6 Capitol riot, Al Jazeera political editor Steve Chaggaris says.

Biden, who has non weighed in much during the trial, hoped the Senate would dispense with the process quickly, equally it has paused all other legislative business, including the confirmation of several of his Cabinet officials.

Biden and congressional Democrats are also hoping to pass a $1.nine trillion COVID-xix relief nib past mid-March. While the House can move full-steam alee on that, the doubt about the Senate's impeachment delivery could potentially alter that timeline.

Representative Jamie Raskin, the lead impeachment manager, arrives at the first of the fifth day of the second impeachment trial of old President Trump, Sat, February 13, 2021, at the Capitol in Washington, DC [Stefani Reynolds/Puddle/AP]

US Senate votes to permit witnesses

The US Senate voted 55-45 to let witnesses to be chosen in Trump'south impeachment trial.

That decision will probable prolong the process.

Al Jazeera's Alan Fisher, reporting from Capitol Hill, said in that location could be 1 or more than depositions.

Firm Manager Jamie Raskin said before on Saturday forenoon he wanted to depose Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler.

The US Capitol Building is pictured on the fifth mean solar day of the impeachment trial of former US President Donald Trump, on charges of inciting the deadly set on on the US Capitol, in Washington, DC, February 13, 2022 [Al Drago/Reuters]

Trump lawyer rejects request for witnesses

"We should shut this case out today," said Trump lawyer Michael van der Veen, blasting House request for witnesses.

Van der Veen accused the Firm managers of violating and ignoring the Us Constitution in the impeachment trial.

House Director Raskin wants to subpoena witnesses

House Manager Jamie Raskin has said he would like the opportunity to subpoena Republican Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler "regarding her communications" with Firm Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

Raskin said he would likewise like to subpoena Beutler'southward notes nearly what Trump told McCarthy in the eye of the insurrection.

Beutler was one of 10 House Republicans to vote to impeach Trump last month.

How will Republicans vote on impeachment charge?

While it is unexpected that 17 Republican senators – in addition to 50 Democrats – will vote to convict Donald Trump, in that location are a handful of Republicans who could suspension ranks and vote for conviction.

Senators Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney and Ben Sasse are frequent Trump critics and their before impeachment-related votes suggest they could be Republican votes against Trump. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has reportedly told his party that their votes are a vote of conscience, co-ordinate to The Associated Press news agency, though he told his colleagues on Saturday morn that he will vote to acquit.

Republican Senator Bill Cassidy criticised Trump's defence squad after they fabricated their preliminary arguments on Tuesday and made positive comments about the House Democrats' presentation. However, Cassidy was spotted on Friday property notes that appeared to be a typhoon of a statement indicating he would vote to acquit.

Senator Bill Cassidy talks with staff in the Senate reception room on the fourth twenty-four hour period of the Senate Impeachment trials for former President Donald Trump on Capitol Colina in Washington, DC, Feb 12, 2022 [Jabin Botsford/Puddle via Reuters]

Republican says Trump showed lack of business during anarchism

During a telephone call amid the January 6 U.s. Capitol anarchism, Trump complained to the Business firm's top Republican that the mob was "more upset" than Republican legislators were about the election's result.

Republican Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler, one of 10 House Republicans to vote to impeach Trump last month, recalled the conversation between Trump and Business firm Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, saying that Trump had initially said that the left-leaning Antifa move was responsible for the riot, not Trump'due south supporters, a claim that has been debunked.

"'Well, Kevin, I approximate these people are more upset about the election than you lot are,'" Beutler quoted Trump as telling McCarthy.


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